How New Parents Keep Their Love Alive and Well?

How New Parents Keep Their Love Alive and Well?

It is a famous saying, ‘love comes first, next comes marriage, then the baby.’ Expecting your first child is a different feeling altogether. 

We are excited, thrilled, and cannot wait to hold our bundle of joy. It somehow feels a perfect step in the married life of a couple.

The feeling of life could not have been better, is quite apparent at this stage. We are on cloud nine and have almost forgotten the hardships of life. 

You see, an introduction of a newborn comes with many responsibilities and duties for men.

Right from your sleeping pattern or daily routine, everything goes for a toss with this new member in the family. So does it also affect the relationship between the new parents? Unfortunately yes, although it is a temporary phase, it seems to be very long and frustrating.

You see, men tend to juggle between many unwarranted changes on the arrival of a newborn. They are usually at the receiving end of all the frustrations and couple fights. 

So let us understand the issues men can expect after the arrival of a newborn member in the family, ways to overcome them and keep their married bliss intact.

Spending time together is Crucial

Romance After baby
Photo by JoEllen Moths from Pexels
Romance Tips
Photo by Katie E from Pexels

Having a baby comes with a considerable responsibility shift. Amazon prime times become laundry time, it seems ages since you had tea together with your wife, and date nights just seem impossible for the coming few years.

So the major issue new parents face is a lack of personal time. Does it mean that all this is over? 

Fortunately, no. All you need to do is, plan the same outings and dates sans your kid. Now it is up to you how you manage your fun and baby at the same time. 

Some couples prefer to hire babysitters who will take care of the baby until they are away, or some prefer to leave the baby with their parents. 

Pick the safest option and relive your lost moments.

Discussing your Needs

You see, the life of a mother completely transforms after having a baby. But does that mean the husbands are facing lesser issues? 

Not at all. Instead of shaming each other for house chores and fighting on petty issues, couples need to focus more on sharing and caring.

Lending a hand in the laundry or babysitting the baby can calm down the otherwise hyper and exhausted mother. It, in turn, will help her in understanding his situation, and how badly he is missing his old life.

Experts say that the discussion is the key to keep your love alive and intact for many years. 

Men should be frank and open about their needs and expectations. They should also focus on figuring out the simple ways to live their lives to the fullest with the child.

You never know when a simple evening spent together sipping coffee can revitalise your life and love for each other. 

So the next time you feel aloft and stranded out in a relationship, sharing your feelings can make things better and pleasant for the couple.

Make sure you Talk Everyday

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Photo by Pasha Chusovitin from Unsplash

The majority of the new parents’ complaints that they do not get time to talk to each other post their baby. 

Well, this is true that the feeling of managing a baby 24*7 can be overwhelming and tiring, that does not mean that you stop talking to each other.

Take some time out alone and share minute details about your day, what all thoughts you had in the office, or how you missed your childhood with your bundle of joy in your arms today. 

You see, these minute experiences can add a spark to your relationship.

As parents and partners, you both will acknowledge each other’s mutual feelings for the baby and your new life altogether. 

Husbands should also try to understand the mental stress their wives are going through while caring for the baby 24*7. This practice will encourage a healthy bond between the couple that will reflect on their daily lives.

Stop Expecting from your Husband to change Overnight.

Society generally highlights the responsibility of a woman after the baby. But it somehow overlooks the kind of role-change a man undergoes post the birth of a newborn. 

Women need to understand that men also suffer from emotional stress in managing home and office responsibilities.

Instead of expecting him to change overnight, the wife should make efforts to bring a mutual change.

Understanding each other’s emotional status will help in keeping your love alive and well.

Partnering is the key to ward off stress and tension between the couple post having a baby. You should start sharing your responsibilities to maintain harmony and love for each other. Switching household chores and role-playing can be some of the exciting options here.

Apart from keeping the love intact, this practice will also help the father to grow closer to their newborn baby. On the other hand, the baby will also develop a lifelong bond with the father, and it is a perfect childhood for any child.

Small Gestures can bring Significant Differences

Romantic Gestures
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Do you know how a simple cuddle, smile, or hug can bring a significant difference to a man’s life? You see, husbands have to deal and appease all the frustrations and stress of a new mother.

A simple gesture of appreciation will motivate and encourage him to move on with a new zest. Men also crave for attention, just like small babies. 

So make sure you do not snatch away their innocence with your harsh behaviour.

Surprising him with delicious meals, playing their favourite games, spending quality time, or gifts can bring back the lost spark in your relationship. It will also make them feel a crucial part of the family.

So these were some essential tips that will help the new parents in keeping their love alive and happening for many years to come ahead. Young fathers need to maintain their calm and composure while handling sensitive relationship issues.

They should also ensure that they do not drag things beyond a point as it can hamper their married life. The Blog for Men is a leading men’s lifestyle platform that deals with various issues faced by men.

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